Brewster Maintenance Yard

As part of our continued On-Call contract with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, YU & Associates, Inc. (YU) was retained by Day Engineering, P.C. to assist with a remedial investigation for the Metro North Brewster Maintenance Yard. The environmental site remedial investigation was required to delineate the extent of free product spill in accordance with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Regulations.

YU assisted with the remedial investigation by preparing the test boring and monitoring well location plans; implementing the health and safety plan, and performing well designs and oversight for the installation, development, sampling and decommission of the multiple on site monitoring wells. In addition to the sampling program, YU provided analytical support for determination of the degree of contamination, and groundwater flow patterns. Data collected were used for delineation and assessment of the free product plume.

The environmental engineering design and analysis of the plume delineation, and engineering support in developing site remedial measures enabled the team to complete the investigative phase of the project in a timely manner.


New York


  • Environmental Site Investigation - HASP
  • Boring Inspection
  • Monitoring Well Construction
  • Low Flow Groundwater Sampling
  • Well Decommissioning
  • Environmental Engineering Design and Analysis
  • Monitoring Well Plan
  • Plume Delineation
  • Site Assessment
  • Site Remediation
Day Engineering, P.C.
MTA Metro-North Railroad