Elm Avenue Drainage Project

YU & Associates, Inc. (YU) performed a geotechnical engineering study for the proposed Elm Avenue Drainage Diversion Project in the Borough of Bogota, Bergen County, New Jersey. The project is intended to reduce flooding conditions that occur along Elm Avenue during major precipitation events by providing an alternate path to the Hackensack River. The proposed storm drainage system is approximately 1,100 feet long and primarily consists of two, twin, 7-foot diameter reinforced concrete cylinder pipes (RCCPs), seven chambers/manholes, an outfall structure, and an intake structure including over 100 feet of spillway and 100 feet of retaining walls. A large number of utility relocations and a temporary relocation of a local roadway are also included in the project. While the cut-and-cover method of construction is contemplated for the majority of the RCCP installation, pipe-jacking methods are also proposed in order to expedite crossings with the New York, Susquehanna, and Western (NYS & W) Railway. The purpose of the geotechnical engineering study was to obtain subsurface information along the alignment, prepare foundation and earthwork recommendations, and provide geotechnical design criteria for the proposed construction.


Bogota, Bergen County,
New Jersey


  • Subsurface Investigation
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Foundation Recommendations and Report
Boswell Engineering
Borough of Bogota