As part of their school restoration, conversion, and expansion program, NJSCC proposed to convert the existing Grade 7-8 Gladys Hillman-Jones Middle School into a Grade 5-8 School with the addition of 10,000 square-feet of space. The school is located in the City of Newark in a densely populated urban setting.

YU & Associates (YU) was part of the architectural/engineering team responsible for the environmental assessment of the existing structure and other feasibility tasks including Utility Report and geotechnical investigation along with a traffic study, feasibility report and conceptual site plan.

Upon completion of the investigative phase, YU prepared site plan drawings and specifications for the construction of the renovations and additions. Included in our scope of services was regulatory permitting which included DCA submissions and Local Planning Board Section 31 review.


City of Newark,
New Jersey


  • Boundary and Topographic Survey
  • Site Assessment
  • Geotechnical Investigation
  • Traffic Study
  • Utility Investigation
  • EO 215 Report
  • Conceptual Site Plans
  • Site Engineering
  • Permitting
Timber Architecture Office
New Jersey Schools Development Authority